02-26-2015, 03:02 PM
jr6300 Wrote:Not quite sure waht you are asking here.
You can also set up an "Auto-Start" program by placing the probe in a hole in the part. Create a point by clicking the check mark in upper RH corner of the Point Measure window "Finish Measurement" icon (I name my point "Start Pt", but you can name it anything). Set you a temp coord to that pt. by translating X,Y & Z to this point, then create a temp plane about that pt. Level into that plane for another temp coord (you can cheat using 1,2,3 using the temp plane as your Z origin, leaving the next window set to "None" for offset, direction or "2" using the start point in the other 2 windows set as X, Y origin.
Then measure an edge of the part & rotate your coord into that line for a 3rd temp coord. You could have it measure the hole 1st or after the temp align setting another temp coord, then the CMM "pretty well knows" where the part is.
Finish off your coordinate by taking your plane, then another feature such as another hole in the part. Bestfit a line between the 2 holes & then set your final part coordinate or PCS for the program run.
what I'm asking is how to fix my existing prog. I need to change the first three feature that were in auto prog. mode to manual ( which I already fixed by changing the Mode line to MANUAL. After my Coordinate system is set I need to turn the Auto measure on so the rest of the features are measured automatically.
T. I. A